• Agriculture: the science of cultivating plants, animals, and other life forms for food, fiber, and fuel. No matter which products you are cultivating, PEAK is confident that we can provide more efficient, effective, and data-driven assembly solutions. Partner with our fastening experts to find solutions with broken fasteners, problem joints, and field warranty projects.

Our value-added capabilities
  • As an experienced, independent, and ISO 17025 accredited lab, we utilize our wide range of equipment capabilities in providing impartial solutions to optimize your fastening applications.
  • Fastening solutions can be provided from development and design, to the assembly floor.
  • Partial list of capabilities includes:
    • Establish recommended target torque
    • Torque-Angle-Tension testing with load cell or with ultrasonics
    • Drive to strip study
    • Torque-angle to failure
    • Monitor joint relaxations (temperature/humidity available)
    Providing the ultimate confidence and value in bolted joints and all aspects of fastening

    Experience Peak’s fastening solutions.

    Contact the peak team.